Publications of Group Members

Leonardo Mendes e Silva
Calado SM, Bento D, Justino D, Mendes-Silva L, Marques N and Bragança J* – Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (UALGi001-A) from a patient with Left-Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy – Stem Cell Res. (2021) 53, 102302.
Silva-Mendes L and Bragança J* – Prevention of congenital heart anomalies: the secret kept by embryonic stem cells – ATLAS OF SCIENCE (2021) 8 March.
Postharvest Biology and Technology (2021) 172, 111386.
Bragança J* and Silva-Mendes L – Os poderes secretos das células estaminais para limitar as malformações do coração – UALGORITMO (2020) 2, 39-43.
Fernandes MT, Calado SM, Mendes-Silva L and Bragança J – CITED2 and the modulation of the hypoxic response in cancer – World J. Clin. Oncol. (2020) 11, 260-274.
Santos JMA, Mendes-Silva L, Afonso V, Martins G, Machado RSR, Lopes JA, Cancela L, Futschik ME, Sachinidis A, Gavaia P and Bragança J* - Exogenous Wnt5a and Wnt11 proteins rescue Cited2 dysfunction in mouse embryonic stem cells and zebrafish morphants – Cell Death & Disease (2019), 10, 582.
Bragança J*, Mendes-Silva L, Lopes JA, and Calado SM - CITED Proteins in the Heart of Pluripotent Cells and in Heart’s Full Potential - Regen. Med. Front. 2019;1:e190005.
Bragança J*, Lopes JA, Mendes-Silva L and Santos JMA - Induced pluripotent stem cells, a giant leap for mankind therapeutic applications - World J. Stem Cells (2019) 11, 421-430.
Satoshi T, Avezov E, Zyryanova A, Konno T, Mendes Silva L, Pinho Melo E, Harding HP, Ron D - Intact protein folding in the glutathione-depleted endoplasmic reticulum implicates alternative protein thiol reductants - eLife (2014) 3, e03421.
Pires R, Afonso AM, Cavaco AM, Panagopoulos T, Guerra R, Brázio A, Silva L, Rosendo M, Cadeiras B, Antunes M - Citrinos do Algarve IGP: porquê e como melhorar a respetiva norma? - APH- Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Horticultura (2016) 28, 122-126.
Pires R, Afonso AM, Cavaco AM, Panagopoulos T, Guerra R, Brázio A, Silva L, Rosendo M, Cadeiras B, Antunes M - A possible upgrade of the Algarve Citrus protected geographical indication norm - Actas Portuguesas de Horticultura (2016) 28, 159-166.
Silva L, Cavaco AM, Antunes MD, Guerra R - Effect of orange peel in whole oranges' spectra - Actas Portuguesas de Horticultura (2016) 28, 352-360.