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Research Interests

Projects and Collaborations

Pathways controlling the induction and maintenance of pluripotency of embryonic stem cells and iPS cells

We have showed that the transcriptional modulator Cited2 plays an important role in proliferation, self-renewal, survival and differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (ESC). Cited2 controls the expression of Nanog and other transcription factors that are critical for the maintenance of pluripotent mouse ESC. Moreover, we determined that Cited2 is essential for the initiation of the reprogramming process of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) into induced pluripotent cells (iPS), by the method described by Professor Shinya Yamanaka, who was awarded the Nobel Prize 2012 in Medicine. 


This work was performed in collaboration with Professor Kamil R. Kranc (University of Edinburgh), Professor Tariq Enver (UCL) and Dr Jenny Nichols (University of Cambridge).


We are investigating further the molecular mechanisms by which Cited2 is involved in the induction and the maintenance of the pluripotency.

iPS cells reprogramming

In collaboration with Dr Olga Amaral (Instituto Nacional de Saúde Ricardo Jorge, Porto), we are interested in using iPS cells technology to model Lysosomal storage diseases.

In collaboration with Portuguese cardiologists, in particular  Dr Nuno Marques (University of Algarve), Dr Olga Azevedo (Hospital de Guimarães) and Dr Luis Lopes (University of Lisbon), we are interested in modelling Cardiac Diseases.

In collaboration with Professor Leonor Faleiro (University of Algarve), we are studying type I Diabetes.

Embryonic stem cells and iPS cells differentiation towards cardiac cell lineages

We are interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in ESC pluripotency and differentiation, particularly towards cardiac progenitors of the first and secondary heart fields, from which most of the structures of the embryonic heart are derived. For this purpose, we have conducted a profiling of gene expression (including splice variants) by RNA-Sequencing in pluripotent ESC and ESC-derived cells at critical steps of cardiac lineage differentiation. We are addressing the role of relevant new genes in this process. This work involves a collaboration with Professor Matthias Futshick (Plymouth University), Dr Agapios Sachinidis (University of Cologne) and Dr Ibrahim Domian (Harvard Stem Cell Institute). 

Characterization of the electrical activity of cells derived from embryonic stem cells

Project developed in collaboration with Professor Henrique Leonel Gomes (University of Algarve) and his team.


Epigenetic regulation of gene expression during meiosis and oocyte maturation

Collaborative work performed with Professor Rui Gonçalo Martinho (University of Algarve).


Regulation of neurogenesis 

Collaborative work performed with Dr João Malva (University of Coimbra) and Professor Liliana Bernardino (University of Beira Interior).


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