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*indicates corresponding author and #indicates equal contributions of the authors

Key publications are highlighted

Brito D, Esteves F, Rajado AT, Silva N, Alfa Score Consortium, Araújo I, Bragança J, Castelo-Branco P and Nóbrega C – Assessing cognitive decline in the aging brain: lessons from animal and human studiesnpg Aging (2023) 9, 23.


Bragança J*, Pinto R, Silva B, Marques N, Leitão HS, Fernandes MTCharting the path: navigating embryonic development to potentially safeguard against congenital heart defectsJ. Pers. Med. (2023), 13, 1263.


Esteves F, Brito D, Rajado AT, Silva N, Apolónio J, Roberto VP, Araújo IM, Nóbrega C, Castelo-Branco P, Bragança J* and ALFAScore Consortium – Reprogramming iPSCs to study age-related diseases: models, therapeutics, and clinical trials Mech. Ageing  Dev. (2023) 214, 111854. 

García-Ortega MB, Aparicio E, Griñán-Lisón C, Jiménez G, López-Ruiz E, Palacios JL, Ruiz-Alcalá G, Alba C, Martínez A, Boulaiz H, Perán M, Hackenberg M, Bragança J, Calado SM, Marchal JA and García Chaves MA – Interferon-alpha decreases cancer stem cell properties and modulates exosomes in Malignant Melanoma – Cancers (2023), 15, 3666. 


Correia CD, Ferreira A, Fernandes MT, Silva BM, Esteves F, Leitão HL, Bragança J and Calado SM - Human Stem Cells for cardiac disease modeling and (pre)clinical applications – are we on the road to success? – Cells (2023), 12, 1727.


Silva N, Rajado AT, Esteves F, Brito D, Apolónio J, Roberto VP, Binnie A, ALFAScore Consortium, Araújo IM, Nóbrega C, Bragança J and Castelo-Branco P – Measuring healthy ageing – Current and future tools Biogerontology (2023),


Rajado AT, Silva N, Esteves F, Brito D, ALFA Score Consortium, Binnie A, Araújo IM, Nóbrega C, Bragança J and Castelo-Branco P - How can we modulate aging through nutrition and physical exercise? An epigenetic approachAging (Albany NY) (2023) 15, 3191-321.

Heidari MM, Khatami M, Kamalipour A, Kalantari M, Movahed M, Emmamy MH, Hadadzade M, Bragança J, Namnabat M, Mazrouei B - Mitochondrial Mutations in Protein Coding Genes of Respiratory Chain including Complexes IV, V, and mt-tRNA genes are Associated Risk Factors for Congenital Heart Disease  EXCLI Journal (2022) 2, 1306-1330.


Orea-Soufi A, Paik J, Bragança J, Donlon TA, Bradley J, Willcox BJ and Link W – FOXO transcription factors as therapeutic targets in human diseases – Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. (2022) 43, 1070-1084.

Heidari MM, Manshadi SAM, Eshghi AR, Talebi F, Khatami M, Bragança J, Ordooei M, Chamani R and Ghasemi F – Mutational and bioinformatics analysis of the NKX2.1 gene in a cohort of Iranian pediatric patients with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) - Physiology International (2022) 109, 261-277.

Malho Guedes A, Calças Marques R, Ribeiro B, Fernandes MT, Faísca M, Silva AP, Bragança J, Rodrigues A – Peritoneal protein loss, inflammation and nutrition: refuting myths – Front. Med. (2022) 9, Article 884061.


Bragança J*, Figueiredo S, Rego CA, dos Reis Conceição F, Neves de Jesus S  UALGORITMO, a new instrument of the University of Algarve for scientific outreachBioChem (2022) 2, 93-103.

Fernandes MT, Yassuda V, Bragança J, Link W, Ferreira BI, De Sousa-Coelho Al – Tribbles gene expression profiles in colorectal cancer Gastrointest. Disord. (2021) 3, 218-236.

Calado SM, Bento D, Marques N and Bragança J* Generation and cardiac differentiation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line UALGi002-A from a female patient with Left-Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy Stem Cell Res. (2021), 55, 102462.


Calado SM, Bento D, Justino D, Mendes-Silva L, Marques N and Bragança JGeneration of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (UALGi001-A) from a patient with Left-Ventricular Noncompaction CardiomyopathyStem Cell Res. (2021) 53, 102302.

Fernandes MT, Calado SM, Mendes-Silva L and Bragança J* – CITED2 and the modulation of the hypoxic response in cancer World J. Clin. Oncol. (2020) 11, 260-274.

Matias AC, Dias J, Barata M, Araújo RL, Bragança J and Pousão-Ferreira P – Taurine modulates protein turnover in several tissues of meagre juveniles – Aquaculture (2020) 735478.

Duarte AJ, Ribeiro D, Santos R, Moreira L, Bragança J and Amaral O – Induced pluripotent stem cell line (INSAi002-A) from a Fabry Disease patient hemizygote for the rare p.W287X mutation - Stem Cell Res. (2020) 45, 101794  

Duarte AJ, Ribeiro D, Santos R, Quint M, Moreira L, Bragança J and Amaral O – Induced pluripotent stem cell line (INSAi001-A) from a Gaucher Disease type 3 patient compound heterozygote for mutations in the GBA1 gene Stem Cell Res. (2019)  41, 101595


Santos JMA, Mendes-Silva L, Afonso V, Martins G, Machado RSR, Lopes JA, Cancela L, Futschik ME, Sachinidis A, Gavaia P and Bragança J* - Exogenous Wnt5a and Wnt11 proteins rescue Cited2 dysfunction in mouse embryonic stem cells and zebrafish morphants – Cell Death & Disease (2019), 10, 582.

Bragança J*, Mendes-Silva L, Lopes JA, and Calado SM CITED Proteins in the Heart of Pluripotent Cells and in Heart’s Full Potential - Regen. Med. Front. 2019;1:e190005.

Bragança J*, Lopes JA, Mendes-Silva L and Santos JMA Induced pluripotent stem cells, a giant leap for mankind therapeutic applications - World J. Stem Cells (2019) 11, 421-430.

Bragança J - SMAD2/3, versatile molecular tools for cellular engineering - Stem Cell Investig. (2018) 5, 24 - Editorial comment


Pinto J, Machado R, Magno R, Oliveira D, Machado S, Andrade R, Bragança J, Duarte I and Futschik M – StemMapper: A Curated Gene Expression Database for Stem Cell Lineage Analysis – Nucleic Acids Res. (2018) 6(D1):D788-D793.

Charneca J#, Matias AC#, Escapa AL, Fernandes C, Alves A, Santos JMANascimento R and Bragança J* - Ectopic expression of CITED2 prior to reprogramming, promotes and homogenises the conversion of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells -  Exp. Cell Res. (2017) 359, 290-300.

Santos T, Ferreira R, Quartin E, Boto C, Saraiva C, Bragança J, Peça J, Rodrigues C, Ferreira L and Bernardino L – Blue light potentiates neurogenesis induced by retinoic acid-loaded responsive nanoparticles – Acta Biomaterialia (2017) 59, 293-302.

Inácio P, Medeiros MCR, Mestre A, Asgarif S, Canudo J, Santos JMA, Bragança J, Biscarini F and Gomes HL – Bioelectrical signal detection using conducting polymer electrodes and the displacement current method –  IEEE Sensors Journal (2017) 17, 3961-3966.


Medeiros MCR, Mestre AGL, Inácio PMC, Santos JMA, Araújo IM, Bragança J, Biscarini F and Gomes HL – Performance assessment of polymer based electrodes for in vitro electrophysiological sensing: the role of the electrode impedance – Proc. SPIE (2016) 9944 - Organic Sensors and Bioelectronics IX, 994404 doi:10.1117/12.2237659

Pacheco-Leyva I, Matias AC#, Oliveira DV#, Santos JMA#, Nascimento R, Guerreiro E, Michell AC, van De Vrugt AM, Machado-Oliveira G, Ferreira G, Domian I and Bragança J* - Cited2 cooperates with Isl1 and promotes cardiac differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells Stem Cell Reports (2016) 7, 1037–1049.

Machado-Oliveira G, Guerreiro E, Matias AC, Facucho-Oliveira J, Pacheco-Leyva I and Bragança J* - FBXL5 modulates HIF-1α transcriptional activity by degradation of CITED2Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2015) 576, 61-72. 


Kranc KR, Oliveira DV, Armesilla-Diaz A, Pacheco-Leyva I, Matias AC,  Escapa AL,  Subramani C, Wheadon H, Trindade M, Nichols J, Kaji K, Enver T and Bragança J*Acute loss of Cited2 impairs Nanog expression and decreases self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cellsStem Cells (2015) 33, 699-712.


Bragança J* and Santos JMAIs CITED2 a general regulator of stem cell functions?Stem Cell Transl. Invest. (2015) 2:e755.


Simões B, Conceição N, Matias AC, Bragança J, Kelsh RN and Cancela ML – Molecular characterization of Cbfβ gene and identification of new transcription variants: Implications for functionArch. Biochem. Biophys. (2015) 567, 1-12.


Pinto JP, Kalathur RKR, Machado RSR, Xavier JM, Bragança J and Futschik ME – StemCellNet: an interactive platform for network-oriented investigations in stem cell biology - Nucleic Acids Res. (2014) 42 (Web Server issue), W154-160.


Xapelli S, Agasse F, Sardà-Arroyo L, Bernardino L, Santos T, Ribeiro FF, Valero J, Bragança J, Schitine C, de Melo Reis RA, Sebastião AM and Malva JO - Activation of type I cannabinoid  receptor (CBR1) promotes neurogenesis in murin subventricular zone cell culturesPLoS ONE (2013) 21, e63529.


Agasse F, Xapelli S, Coronas V,  Christiansen SH, Rosa AI, Sardà-Arroyo L, Santos T,  Ferreira R,  Schitine C, Harnois T, Bourmeyster N, Bragança J, Bernardino L, Malva JO and Woldbye DPD - Galanin promotes neuronal differentiation in murine subventricular zone cell culturesStem Cells and Dev. (2013) 21, 1693-1708.

MacDonald ST, Bamforth SD, Bragança J, Chen C-M, Broadbent C, Schneider JE, Schwartz RJ and Bhattacharya S – A cell-autonomous role of Cited2 in controlling myocardial and coronary vascular developmentEur. Heart J.  (2013) 34, 2557-2565.


Santos T, Ferreira R, Maia J, Agasse F, Xapelli S, Cortes L, Bragança J, Malva J, Ferreira L and Bernardino L – Polymeric nanoparticles to control the differentiation of neural stem cells in the subventricular zone of the brainACS Nano (2012) 6, 10463-10474.


Chen C, Bentham J, Cosgrove C, Braganca J, Cuenda A, Bamforth SD, Schneider JE, Watkins H, Keavney B, Davies B and Bhattacharya S – Functional Significance of SRJ Domain Mutations in CITED2 - PLoS ONE (2012) 7, e46256.


Bernardino L, Eiriz MF, SantosT, Xapelli S, Grade S, Rosa AI, Cortes L, Ferreira R, Bragança J, Agasse F, Ferreira L and Malva JO – Histamine Stimulates Neurogenesis in the Rodent Subventricular ZoneStem Cells (2012) 30, 773-784.

Michell AC, Bragança J, Broadbent C, Joyce B, Franklyn A, Schneider JE, Bhattacharya S and Bamforth SD - A novel role for transcription factor Lmo4 in thymus development through genetic interaction with Cited2Dev. Dyn. (2010) 239, 1988-1994.


Stevens J, Ermakov A, Bragança J, Hilton H, Underhill P, Bhattacharya S, Brown NA and Norris DP – Analysis of the asymmetrically expressed Ablim1 locus reveals existence of a lateral plate Nodal-independent left sided signal and an early, left-right independent role for nodal flowBMC Dev. Biol. (2010) 10, 54.


Woon PY#, Kaisaki PJ#, Bragança J, Bihoreau M-T, Levy JC, Farrall M and Gauguier D - Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like protein (BMAL1) is associated with susceptibility to hypertension and type 2 diabetes - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2007) 104, 14412-14417.


Fox SB, Bragança J, Turley H, Campo L, Han C, Gatter KC, Bhattacharya S and Harris AL - CITED4 inhibits hypoxia-activated transcription in cancer cells, and its cytoplasmic location in breast cancer is associated with elevated expression of tumor cell hypoxia inducible factor 1α - Cancer Res. (2004) 64, 6075–6081.

Bamforth SD#, Bragança J#, Farthing CR#, Schneider JE, Broadbent C, Clarke K, Neubauer S, Brown NA, Anderson RH and Bhattacharya S - Cited2 controls left-right patterning and heart development through a Nodal–Pitx2c pathway - Nature Genet. (2004) 36, 1189-1196.


Kranc RK, Bamforth SD, Bragança J, Norbury C, van Lohuizen M and Bhattacharya S - Transcriptional coactivator Cited2 induces Bmi1 and Mel18 and controls fibroblast proliferation via Ink4a/ARF - Mol. Cell Biol. (2003) 23, 7658-7666.

Bragança J, Eloranta JJ, Bamforth SD, Ibbit JC, Hurst HC and Bhattacharya S - Physical and functional interactions among AP-2 transcription factors, p300/CREB-binding protein, and CITED2 - J. Biol. Chem.  (2003) 278, 16021-16029.

Bragança J, Swingler T,  Marques FIR, Jones T, Eloranta JJ, Hurst HC, Shioda T and Bhattacharya S - Human CREB-binding protein/p300-interacting transactivator with ED-rich tail (CITED) 4, a new member of the CITED family, functions as a co-activator for transcription factor AP-2 - J. Biol. Chem. (2002)  277, 8559-8565.


Yahata T, Takedatsu H, Dunwoodie SL, Bragança J, Swingler T, Hur J, Coser KR, Isselbacher KJ, Bhattacharya S and Shioda T - Cloning of mouse Cited4, a member of the CITED family p300/CBP-binding transcriptional coactivators: induced expression in mammary epithelial cells - Genomics (2002) 80, 601-613.


Morin P#, Bragança J#, Bandu M-T, Lin R, Hiscott J, Doly J and Civas A - Preferential binding sites for interferon regulatory factors 3 and 7 involved in interferon-a gene transcription - J. Mol. Biol. (2002) 316, 1009-1022.

Bamforth SD#, Bragança J#, Eloranta JJ, Murdoch JN, Marques FIR, Kranc RK, Farza H, Henderson DJ, Hurst HC and Bhattacharya S -  Cardiac malformations, adrenal agenesis, neural crest defects and exencephaly in mice lacking Cited2, a new Tfap2 co-activator - Nature Genet. (2001) 29, 469-474.


Bragança J and Civas A - Type I interferon gene expression: Differential expression of IFN-A genes induced by viruses and double-stranded RNA - Biochimie  (1998) 80, 673-687.

Bragança J, Génin P, Bandu M-T, Darracq N, Vignal M, Cassé C, Doly J and Civas A - Synergism between multiple virus-induced factor-binding elements involved in the differential expression of IFN-A genes - J. Biol. Chem. (1997) 272, 22154-22162.

Génin P, Bragança J, Darracq N, Doly J and Civas A - A novel PRDI and TG-binding activity involved in the virus-induced transcription of the IFN-A genes - Nucleic Acids Res. (1995) 23, 5055-5063.

Book Chapters

Amaral O, Duarte A, Ribeiro D, Santos R, Bragança J - Applications of iPSCs in Gaucher disease and other rare sphingolipidose – Chapter 8 in iPSCs - State of the Science (Elsevier Inc.), por convite de Alexander Birbrair (Editor) – (2022) volume 16 eBook ISBN: 978-0-323-85645-4

Bragança J*, Machado-Oliveira G, Pacheco-Leyva I, Matias AC – Understanding cancer stem cells biology to get rid of tumours – International Manual of Oncology Practice. (iMOP) - Principles of Medical Oncology. 2ND EDITION de Mello RA, Tavares Á, Mountzios G (Eds.). Springer International Publishing. 2019. Chapter 2, p15-28. ISBN 978-3-030-16245-0. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-16244-3   


Asgarifar S, Gomes HL, Mestre A, Inácio P, Bragança J, Borme J, Machado Jr G, Cerqueira F and Alpuim P – Electrochemically Gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for Extracellular Cell Signal Recording - Technological Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems. Camarinha-Matos LM , Falcão AM, Vafaei N, Najdi N (Eds.). Springer International Publishing 2016. Volume 470 of the series IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, p 558-564. eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-31165-4. Hard cover: ISBN 978-3-319-31164-7

Bragança J*, Machado-Oliveira G, Pacheco-Leyva I, Matias ACUnderstanding cancer stem cells biology to get rid of tumours – International Manual of Oncology Practice. (iMOP) - Principles of Medical Oncology. de Mello RA, Tavares Á, Mountzios G (Eds.). Springer International Publishing. 2015. eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-21683-6. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-21682-9

Bragança J and Bhattacharya S - Two-hybrid systems - In: Creighton T. ed. Encyclopaedia of Molecular Medicine. John Wiley, New York (2002).



Portugese Peer Reviewed Publications

Matias AC, Pacheco-Leyva I, Machado-Oliveira G, Oliveira DV and Bragança J* – Células estaminais pluripotentes induzidas – elenco promissor para o futuro da medicinaBoletim de Biotecnologia (2013) 4, 34-36. 


Bragança J*, Tavares A and Belo JA – Células estaminais e medicina regenerativa – um admirável mundo novoCanal BQ (2010) 7, 4-17.


Correia R and Bragança J* – Células estaminais adultas em medicinaCanal BQ (2010) 7, 18-23. 

Publications for outreach to general public in PortugueseIEnglish

Silva-Mendes L and Bragança J* Prevention of congenital heart anomalies: the secret kept by embryonic stem cells ATLAS OF SCIENCE (2021) 8 March.


Bragança J* and Silva-Mendes L Os poderes secretos das  células estaminais para limitar as malformações do coração UALGORITMO (2020) 2, 39-43. 

Bragança J* and Santos JMA Rejuvenescer células "velhas" é possivél? UALGORITMO (2019) 1, 17-22. 

Coordination and Editor of the                          journal for science outreach

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