José Bragança
Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Algarve.
Principal Investigator at the , University of Algarve.
Group leader of the Stem Cell Biology Lab
Member of the executive board of the ABC-Algarve Biomedical Academic Centre
Tel.: +351 289 800 900 ext. 302317 Email: jebraganca@ualg.pt
Coordinator and Editor of the - a journal for science outreach of the University of Algarve
Email: ualgoritmo@gmail.com
Research Group
Mónica Teotónio Fernandes
Invited Adjunct Professor at the Superior School of Health, University of Algarve
Member of the Algarve Biomedical Centre Research Institute (ABC-RI), University of Algarve.
Tel.: +351 289 800 900 ext. 203301
Helena Santos Leitão
Lecturer, MD, PhD, Trained radiologist expert in thoracic/abdominopelvic imaging
at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Algarve
Member of the Algarve Biomedical Centre Research Institute (ABC-RI), University of Algarve.
Tel.: +351 289 800 900 ext. 203301
Artur Bastos Lourenço
Neurosurgeon at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (CHUA).
Member of the Algarve Biomedical Centre Research Institute (ABC-RI), University of Algarve.
Filipa Esteves
Post-Doctoral fellow
at the Algarve Biomedical Centre Research Institute (ABC-RI), University of Algarve.
Tel.: +351 289 800 900 ext. 203301
Barbara Silva
PhD student (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Tel.: +351 289 800 900 ext. 203301
Joana Andrade
PhD student - Biomedical Sciences PhD Programme 2021
Tel.: +351 289 800 900 ext. 203301
Cátia Correia
MSc student (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Tel.: +351 289 800 900 ext. 203301

João Furtado
Adjunct Professor at the Superior School of Health, University of Algarve
Member of the ABC-RI, University of Algarve.

Marlene Trindade
Research fellow
at the Algarve Biomedical Centre Research Institute (ABC-RI), University of Algarve.
Tel.: +351 289 800 900 ext. 203301
Former Lab Members

Ana Catarina Matias
Post-Doctoral fellow
Current position: Post-Doc fellow at the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera

Ivette Pacheco-Leyva
PhD Student until 2015 (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Current position: Post-Doc fellow at University of Porto, Portugal

Daniel V. Oliveira
Research Assistant - MSc (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Current position: PhD student - Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Catarina Fernandes
Research Assistant - MSc (Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Lisbon)
Current position: Sales Assistant at Baptista Marques Diagnóstica

Marlene Trindade
MSc Student (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Current position: PhD student at the CCMAR (University of Algarve)

André Alves
MSc Student (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Current position: iCBR - Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra

Eduarda Guerreiro
MSc (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Current position: PhD holder from the University of Oslo, Norway

Vanessa Afonso
MSc Student (Molecular and Microbial Biology - University of Algarve)

Rita Nascimento
MSc Student (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Co-supervision with Professor Guilherme Ferreira (University of Algarve)
Current position: Technician at the Anatomy-Pathology Service of the Hospital of Faro

João Charneca
MSc Student (Biological Engineering - University of Algarve)
Current position: PhD ProRegeM Programme - 2018, at he CEDOC, LISBON

Gisela Machado-Oliveira
Post-Doctoral fellow
Current position: Post-Doctoral fellow at the CEDOC, LISBON

João Miguel Almeida Santos
PhD student - ProReGeM PhD Programme 2015.
Viva on the 18th of July 2019, with a classification "VERY GOOD" and distiction of the Juri.
Current position: Post-Doctoral fellow at CCMAR, University of Algarve
Leonardo Mendes e Silva
PhD student - ProReGeM PhD Programme 2018.
Viva on the 16th of January 2023, with a classification "VERY GOOD".

João Lopes
MSc student - Oncobiology and Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer (University of Algarve)
Current position: Researcher in a Company
Pedro Miguel Sousa Canada
MSc student - Biomedical Sciences (University of Algarve)

David Justino
MSc student - Biomedical Sciences (University of Algarve)
Current position: Medical student, University of Algarve
Giulia Fest Donnici
MSc student (Biomedical Sciences - University of Algarve)
Current position: Medical student, University of Algarve